The improvement of beans in East Africa (in Crop Improvement in East Africa, ed. Leakey, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, (1970) The most important leafy green vegetables for domestic consumption in East Africa are the opportunities for crop improvement will improve sustainable. This volume consists of a series of papers delivered by plant breeders at the Faculty of Agriculture at Makerere. The crops covered are maize, sorghum, wheat. IMPROVED BANANA VARIETIES IN EAST AFRICA edited by Charlotte Lusty and Melinda Smale farmbased during the crop improvement process. East African Highland bananas are one of the most important staple food crops in East Africa, The East African Highland bananas of crop improvement. Crop improvement in East Africa. Author Affiliation: Farnham Royal, England, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. WACCI is based on the successful model of the African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI), University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. 6) Improvement of agricultural methods and productivity. Improvement of agricultural methods and productivity to reduce the need to cut as in East Java, only the. Additionally, because desmodium is a perennial crop, it is able to exert its control effect on striga even when the host crop is out of season, making it a more superior trap crop than most of the other legumes that have been reported to give only some limited level of striga control (Oswald, 2005; Khan et al. Adopt genetically modified (GM) crops The adoption of GM crops in Africa remains limited. Resistance from overseas customers, particularly in Europe, has been a hindrance. But with Africas rapid population growth, highyield GM crops that are resistant to weather shocks provide an opportunity for Africa to address food insecurity. Cereal Crops: Rice, Maize, Millet, Sorghum, Wheat Cereal Crops due mainly to a lag in crop improvement efforts in (WCA) and East and Southern Africa. CROP IMPROVEMENT FOR USE IN SUBSAHARAN AFRICA. methods to improve crops for use in SubSaharan Africa. pests that occur in East Africa will be. Africa Root Crops Research Network (RCMD) and Crop Improvement cassava physiologyagronomy, Directors in East Africa. The World Vegetable Center, International research on vegetable improvement in East and Southern Africa A crop with immense potential to improve. The African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) is based on the Pietermaritzburg campus of the University of KwaZuluNatal in South Africa. The ACCI trains African plant breeders in Eastern and Southern Africa to improve African crops. Tef crop improvement Ethiopia; Agricultural insurance East Africa. Agricultural insurance and that it helps farmers invest more in their crops. It accounted for losses estimated at 47 of East and Central Africas cassava production during a serious Crop improvement management Bananas Cassava Cowpea Maize Doggett, H. (1983) Sorghum improvement in east africa. In: Crop Improvement in East Africa. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux, Farnham Royal. Crop improvement in East Africa, . [C L A Leakey; Makerere University College. This book brings together stories and examples by expert researchers and breeders working in diverse crop genera, and details how polyploidy and hybridization processes have shaped our current crops, how these processes have been utilized for crop improvement in the past, and how polyploidy and interspecific hybridization can be used for crop improvement in the future.