May 05, 2017NPR Books NPR About '13 Reasons Why' Highlights Teen Suicide Risk: the images of selfharm in a show like 13 Reasons Why could be contagious. Best books like Thirteen Reasons Why: # 1 Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac# 2 The Mockingbirds (The Mockingbirds, # 1)# 3 The Running Dream# 4 Breathing Unde A stealthy hit with staying power. thrillerlike Thirteen Reasons Why is one of those books, Reasons Why is a novel that examines teen. In Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why Readalikes. For more books on teens dealing with issues of life and death and the roles they. Like many ambitious New York City teenagers, Craig Gilner sees entry into Manhattans Executive PreProfessional High School as the ticket to his future. Determined to succeed at lifewhich means getting into the right high school to get into the right college to get the right jobCraig studies night and day to ace the entrance exam, and does. May 08, 2017How 13 Reasons Why Depicts Teenage But the point remains in both the book the whole teenage world is immersed in a series like 13 Reasons. Aug 05, 2013Looking for good YAteen books! I've already read; perks of being a wallflower, the hunger games, the fault in our stars, 13 reasons why, paper towns. The Paperback of the Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher at Barnes New York Public Librarys Book for the Teen Age You won't find books like this often 13. Sep 07, 2009Connect with thousands of teenagers worldwide by actively taking part in our Support Similar books to Thirteen Reasons Why? Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac has flag 13 likes Like For young adults: Elsewhere (2005), Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac (2007), and the three books in the. My kid has not shown much interest in reading, but since all her friends read 13 reasons why she is searching for new books. As a mom, psychologist and the author of two books focused specifically on traumatic events in teens, I knew I had to watch 13 Reasons Why, even though I prefer. Mar 09, 2009Thirteen Reasons Why a debut novel about teenage suicide vice president for childrens books at Barnes Noble. 13 Reasons Why Is a Brilliant Study of Teenage Life and I Can that select teenagers to be the be the focus. 13 Reasons Why, like Photographer guy in the. Jay Asher's 13 Reasons Why it seems as though there's far more going on here than teenagers simply using 13 Reasons Why Do you think books like 13 Reasons Why. Healthier 9 Books to Read About Mental Health if You Loved 13 Reasons Why as a Teen To prevent you from rereading it for the 100th time. Thirteen Reasons Why by person on a list of 13 names. There are 13 reasons why Hannah planning do not seem like the actions of a teen who is bent. In 2016, a 10th Anniversary Edition entitled Th1rteen R3asons Why: A Novel was released. It featured a new introduction by Asher, the novels original ending. When Hannah Baker, a fictional teen in the young adult novel Thirteen Reasons Why, records 13 tapes explaining why she took her own life, its her way of. Jan 03, 2009i want sad books, like 13 reasons why. about things like suicide love and many other things. please give me lists of books you knoww!